No. We changed our name to The Manufacturing Collaborative in 2024.

In 2019, we started as the Vermont Manufacturing Collaborative with an intention to work mostly with Vermont companies. As our work has grown, our network of collaborators has expanded across the U.S. and to a broad range of industries. We changed our name to reflect that expanding network while maintaining our steadfast commitment to collaboration.

The Manufacturing Collaborative is sponsored by Vermont State University (VTSU) with the Advanced Manufacturing Center being located on the VTSU Randolph campus. 
The Collaborative exists to support companies needing access to technology, capacity, and a workforce adept at utilizing various manufacturing technologies. Having a production/learning center on a college campus offers tremendous accessibility for Learners of all types. It’s important to note that skills are learned through active engagement in a functioning production center using real-world production work. The work and learning is independent of any VTSU academic path and no college credits are provided.

Absolutely! The Manufacturing Collaborative is a functioning production center with experienced professionals overseeing each technology. Learners work very closely with our Engineers until they are fully capable. Our Project Agreement guarantees part quality to specification, and we expect to deliver on time or sooner.

We completely understand the need for digital and physical confidentiality and take that very seriously. We offer to create a Non Disclosure Agreement with each potential customer before discussing the details of a project.
When a digital and/or physical asset is identified as “Sensitive Information”, we have handling procedures for both. We are currently implementing CMMC 2.0 measures and anticipate being compliant by the end of the year.  

Our mission is to accelarate US manufacturing and undercutting other capable companies would be absolutely counter to that mission. Whenever we are presented with a project or service that we know other companies can (and should) do, we ask the customer to investigate the other company’s interest in the project. To date, the projects have always come back as they are often too small or the capability doesn’t exist. We also intentionally strive to set our prices to match industry standard to ensure equity. Other production providers who understand The Collaborative’s mission want us to take those projects because we are training their future workforce!